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Entries Tagged as 'Homicide Facts'

New York Homicide Totals 1900-2007

September 5th, 2008 · 2 Comments

The new software that I use for this blog has a nice feature.  It shows me what search terms people used that led them to this site. I learned that a lot of people are looking for homicide totals for New York.  So I made of pdf of a chart from my book which shows […]


Tags: Homicide Facts · Police History

Common Mistake about Suicide

June 9th, 2007 · No Comments

I was reading a number of people on an NYPD blog make a common mistake about women and suicide. They were saying that women don’t use guns to kill themselves as much and use other methods more. This was an unofficial NYPD blog, I should add, so their comments do not represent the collected knowledge […]


Tags: Homicide Facts

DNA Database Expansion

February 19th, 2007 · No Comments

Because of recent legislation allowing for the expansion of DNA collecting, I thought I would compare how much bigger New York’s DNA database has grown since I wrote my book. As of August 2004, there were 139,344 DNA profiles in the New York State collection, and the number of hits they got from them was […]


Tags: Homicide Facts

The Number of Unsolved Murders in New York City

January 16th, 2007 · 783 Comments

There are now 9,082 unsolved murders in New York City going back to 1985. That figure is a moving target of course. They are adding to that number all the time. Roughly 150 – 200 or more murders go cold every year, and try as they might, they are not going back and solving that […]


Tags: Homicide Facts