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Entries from November 2005

Animal Rescue

November 7th, 2005 · Comments Off on Animal Rescue

I’m an animal lover, so these pictures of the police rescuing a horse are among the photographs I kept from the Photo Unit at One Police Plaza. At least, I hope they are rescuing a horse. They could just be pulling up a dead horse, I suppose. Before After


Tags: Police History

Update on a Cold Christmas

November 5th, 2005 · 1 Comment

One of the Cold Case guys posted this in the comment section. “Three homicides that happened on Christmas day (RoseMarie and Thomas Uva and Nickolas Guido) have been investigated by the Queens Cold Case Squad and arrests have been made.” Good work, Queens Cold Case!!


Tags: Uncategorized

Why Do Cases Go Cold? Part 2

November 3rd, 2005 · Comments Off on Why Do Cases Go Cold? Part 2

I looked at the unsolved murders between 1985 and 2003, and found that 54% of the cases that went cold happened in the street, on a subway, in a park, or in an abandoned building. Places where a witness, if there was one, most likely didn’t know or recognize the murderer or the victim, and […]


Tags: Cold Case Investigation Facts