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Entries from January 2006

Murder Clearance Rates

January 6th, 2006 · Comments Off on Murder Clearance Rates

Clearance rates don’t change all that much, but it’s interesting that when the homicide rate in New York was at it’s highest, the NYPD was also solving the highest precentage of murders. (1990 was the peak for murder in New York. The murder rate started going down after that.) And now that the murder rate […]


Tags: Homicide Facts · Police History

Murder in 2005

January 1st, 2006 · Comments Off on Murder in 2005

The homicide total for New York in 2005 is 540. It could change as other deaths last year are investigated, but aside from the 540 deaths that represents, that’s a good number. Last year it was 572. Congratulations New York, for killing each other a little less. Thank you to everyone who made this possible, […]


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