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Entries Tagged as 'Cold Case Investigation Facts'

Two Suggestions for the Cold Case Squad

January 28th, 2006 · Comments Off on Two Suggestions for the Cold Case Squad

The NYPD might want to recruit one or more detectives with a background in science for the Cold Case Squad, to overcome a general reluctance within the police department to embrace new scientific methods of police work. “Every single crime scene should be examined by a scientist,” Dr. Robert Shaler suggests. “ME’s are not forensic […]


Tags: Cold Case Investigation Facts

What Cold Case Work is Really Like

December 30th, 2005 · Comments Off on What Cold Case Work is Really Like

Spending a couple of years with the Cold Case detectives was in some ways a fantasy-killer. Yeah, it’s no surprise that TV and movies romanticizes what they do, we know this, but still. We expect more excitement. It’s weird to see how it’s still a job, with all these office-y, 9 to 5 elements. It’s […]


Tags: Cold Case Investigation Facts · Cold Case Squads

Cadaver Dogs Two

December 3rd, 2005 · Comments Off on Cadaver Dogs Two

A few months ago I posted about how the police train cadaver dogs. Recap: to train a dog to find dead bodies they construct something called a scent tube. It’s made from PVC and sealed at both ends after inserting a piece of gauze that’s been doused with one of the following perfumes: Pseudo Corpse […]


Tags: Cold Case Investigation Facts

Bronx Cold Case Squad

November 30th, 2005 · 3 Comments

There are over twenty detectives in the NYPD’s Cold Case Squad, and unfortunately I couldn’t write about them all. The book is pretty packed with people as it is. But this always bugged me, I met a lot of great detectives. In the Bronx Squad for instance, there’s a detective named Mark Tebbens. I just […]


Tags: Cold Case Investigation Facts