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May 2nd, 2013

The Horrible Ambiguity of Missing Persons Cases

Someone just emailed me about a missing persons case which relatives feel is actually a homicide. That is what people usually believe and they are often right, but in so many cases, there is so little police can do.

So this brief piece caught my eye. Police are asking the public to help identify a man whose body was pulled from the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania in 1998. It’s such a distinctive face and shape of head, maybe someone will recognize him.

And then there is the story of a, coincidentally, Pennsylvania woman who went missing in 2002 and just returned. I feel for everyone in this case.

I have some links to missing persons organizations, but relatively few as the focus of this site is homicide investigation. If there are any particularly great links I should have, please let me know.

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