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January 5th, 2015

Black and Missing Update

I posted about the Black and Missing Foundation a couple of years ago. It was established in 2008 by sisters Natalie and Derrica Wilson to address the under-reporting and overall lack of attention given to missing persons cases involving minorities. I just came across a piece titled, 64,000 Missing Women in America All Have One Important Thing in Common by Zak Cheney-Rice.

From the article: “The numbers: Despite representing 12.85% of the population, black Americans accounted for nearly 226,000 — or 34% — of all missing persons reported in 2012. According to the FBI’s National Crime Information Center, the comparison with other racial groups is unfavorable: Whites and Hispanics are a combined 80.1% of the population, but account for 60% of missing persons.”

I’ve posted before about the horrible ambiguity of missing persons cases. In some ways it’s worse than cold cases involving a murder. I’m glad this organization was started and is still in operation.

The picture below is from the NYPD’s photo unit archives.

Lost Children NYPD Photo Archives

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