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December 19th, 2007

Happy Holidays

I’ve been posting this every year since I put up this site. This is from my collection from the Photo Unit at 1 Police Plaza. As always, it’s sad to see the WTC, but this remains one of my favorite shots. In New York City, Santa has a helicopter instead of reindeer! (All those spires, and chimneys and roofs of varying heights, it’s dangerous for the reindeer.)

Are we still under 500 murders for the year so far? Yay us for not killing each other so much this year! But for those who have lost people this year, I’m sorry they won’t be with you this holiday. Here is a bit from a poem called The Song of Shadows by Walter de la Mare:

Ghosts linger in the darkening air,
Hearken at the open door;
Music hath called them, dreaming,
Home once more.

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