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September 27th, 2005

How Many Unsolved Murders?

When my book went to press there were 8,894 unsolved murders in New York since 1985.

Los Angeles, the next largest city in America, had 8,000 going back to 1960.

Fairfax, VA, had 75 going back to 1964.

If you want to try to figure out how many cold cases are in your city, go to the → 3 CommentsTags: Homicide Facts ·

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Helen Hulen-Herzog // Oct 12, 2005 at 1:30 am

    My Father was murdered in 1994. To date nothing has happened. I read your statistics and wonder WHY!?! Is it a matter of money, time, interest,WHAT is necessary for this to stop? Unsolved murders are rampant in our country, again, WHY?

  • 2 joyce // Nov 3, 2005 at 3:30 pm

    I have a brother, Richard Keith Call, that has been missing from the Colonial Parkway around Yorktown, VA. since 1988. There were 8 young people killed in that area during a few year period by a suspected serial killer that has never been caught…my brother and his friend Cassandra Haley bodies have never been found!! His car was found with both of their belonging’s stuffed in the back seat of his car, a Toyota Celica,underwear,eyegalsses, watch, ect…to this day we have not found their bodies or the person who committed this unspeakable crime. Not a day goes by that we don’t wonder what happened and if we will ever find their bodies or the person that did this to them….and us, because the families are victims too!!

  • 3 Ryan // Feb 6, 2006 at 1:59 am

    its because we waste our law enforcement resources on locking up non-violent criminals. 800,000 non-violent marijuana users are arrested each year while murders and rapist run rampant. Billions of dollars wasted and with the courts constantly tied up with useless petty crime there isnt sufficent resources to battle the violence in america. We should bag the “War on marijuana” and start a “War on Violence in America”.