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October 5th, 2005

Is This Ray Kelly?


This is one of the uncaptioned photographs I got from the Photography Unit at One Police Plaza. I had it up on the wall at the launch party and one of the detectives insisted it was Ray Kelly, New York’s Police Commissioner. I can’t tell for sure. Could be. What do you think? Here he is now:


Good lord, does this man have an impressive resume. You can read it here. I have a lot to say about murder in New York City, and the reality of crime stats, and the ambivalent support given the Cold Case Squad, (and I will) but my sense is that between Bloomberg and Kelly, they’re doing a better job protecting New Yorkers (and hence the rest of America) from terrorists than the federal goverment is protecting the entire country from the same threat. I’m glad they’re on the front lines. (Sorry federal government. It’s not your fault. You are hampered by your leadership.)

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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Jane // Feb 4, 2006 at 11:24 am

    The man in this picture is right handed. Ray Kelly is left handed. (You can tell by the watch in this photo.)

  • 2 Stacy Horn // Feb 4, 2006 at 2:18 pm

    Ha! SMART. Thanks for spotting that.