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August 9th, 2008

Baltimore County Police Department Website

 I noticed that the website for the Baltimore County Police Department’s Homicide Unit, Unsolved Case Squad has cases going back to the 1970’s. The picture is of Sister Catherine Ann Cesnik, a victim from 1970.  Perhaps her case is, realistically, still a long shot, but I like that her picture is up there and that the detectives are still trying what they can.

To go to their website, click here.

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  • 1 Carolyn Richardson // Aug 5, 2010 at 12:04 am

    Sister Cesnik was my english teacher at Western High School, she was very kind to me especially when I returned to school from being out from a illness. I hope and pray that one day she will recieve the justice that she desrves.

  • 2 Chris Centofanti // Oct 26, 2010 at 6:22 pm

    I was once asked, “If you can name one person who had a positive influence on your life, who would that be?” I immediately thought of Sister Cathy, who was my English and Drama teacher at Archbishop Keough High School. She had such amazing qualities in her teaching skills that you became captivated and sometimes lost in a better place where goodness surrounded you…and even more than that, there was an aura around her that made her so approachable..There was safety and acceptance in her presence for all who had the need. I remember the 1st day of my Junior year, I had learned during the summer that my Mom was terminally ill…I only told a few of my close friends because I was so emotional and scared that I didn’t want everyone to “pity me”…I really couldn’t deal with all of the questions for fear that I would break down. As I passed Sister Cathy in the hallway, she stopped and looked at me in such a way that I knew she was there to help me. I spoke to her many times during the 6 months of my mom’s illness and found such comfort in her kind words…Sometimes she would just nod and I would know she was saying a prayer for me to be strong…Not until later in life did I know she had begun to teach me how to let go of a loved one in death.
    When Sister Cathy left our world, we lost an extraordinary person…but our spiritual world now has an angel who still watches over us.
    God Bless you Sister Cathy…I hope you have found peace forever.

  • 3 Stacy Horn // Oct 30, 2010 at 3:53 pm

    That was a beautiful tribute. Thank you for taking the time to post that.

  • 4 Abbie Fitzgerald Schaub // Nov 25, 2012 at 5:38 pm

    Story in the Baltimore Sun today about administrative/archdiocese cover-ups in the case of abuser Merzbacher at a School Sisters of Notre Dame high school in Locust Point made me wonder again about Sister Cathy’s death. She was in inspirational teacher; sure would be comforting to see her case solved and the truth come up, even at this late date.

  • 5 Peggy Codella // Jul 17, 2013 at 5:10 pm

    On a recent site of old friends, classmates and neighbors someone brought up the murder of Sr Cathy Cesnik. I was at Keough High School during that time I was in the 4 th graduating class of the new school. I so wished to get Sr Cathy one day as a teacher but never had the chance as her life was taken from her by a monster that wanted revenge. God bless this lovely teacher who walked the halls of Keough with a warm bubbly smile and kind eyes. It’s been a very long time since 1969 but many people still talk about her.

  • 6 Stacy Horn // Jul 17, 2013 at 5:13 pm

    Thank you for your post, and for acknowledging Sister Catherine Ann Cesnik.

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