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July 24th, 2009

Times Union Article

Things have really changed since my book first came out in 2005. Now when I search Google news under “cold case” thousands of articles come up.

I’m highlighting this article because the author, Leigh Hornbeck, called me (and quoted me) and because she highlights less well known cases from her area (Albany, NY).  I’m all for giving attention to the cases you don’t hear about as much.

The picture is of Tammie McCormick, a girl who went missing in 1986 when she was 14 years old. She in mentioned in Hornbeck’s article, Cases Out Of Sight, Never Out Of Mind [the link I had to the article no longer works].

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  • 1 Sara Huizenga // Aug 6, 2009 at 1:27 pm

    Stacy, I am so impressed with and thankful for your site here…I have yet to read your book, but am looking forward to and planning on doing so. Keep up the incredible work, your efforts inspire many to follow your lead!

  • 2 Stacy Horn // Aug 8, 2009 at 5:17 pm

    Wow, thank you very much for the positive feedback! I try to keep this place useful!

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