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December 22nd, 2010

New Cold Case Effort in New York

A recent article in the Daily News begins:

“Manhattan prosecutors are dusting off yellowing files and using new technology to screen thousands of unsolved murders for DNA evidence that might finally nab a killer.

“An unsolved case shouldn’t be a forgotten case,” District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. said of his new forensic science cold-case unit. Cold cases have been solved with DNA, but Vance’s office is the first in the city, and perhaps the country, to begin systematically reviewing unsolved murders through the genetic prism.

“Led by two of the country’s foremost DNA experts, Manhattan Assistant District Attorneys Martha Bashford and Melissa Mourges, the squad has reopened 95 murder cases since May.”

I don’t know anything else beyond what is in the article, and it doesn’t look like this is a group you can approach to have a case looked at, they won’t say which cases they’re working on, but bottom line this is good news. More unsolved murders are going to get a second look and that’s a very good thing. I’ll see if I can find out more after the holidays.

In the meantime, I post this picture every year … happy holidays!


→ 10 CommentsTags: Cold Case Squads ·

10 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Frances Nieves // Jun 3, 2011 at 1:35 pm

    my sister was brutally murder 9/19/06,her name Paula Irenes Nieves her address Fulton ave. bronx.the investigation not only was mess-up by the detective on scene but one of then exchange sexual favor according to the family with the victimes daughter.until today they have never brought up to justice her killer. stab more than 15 times. she was using a wheelchair some times. prior to that the detective were told there have been 4 previous look a personal vendetta .i was shot 3 time in PR in 9/15/1957.

  • 2 Stacy Horn // Jun 5, 2011 at 5:38 pm

    What a horrible story, I’m so sorry about your sister. I had a little trouble following some of what you said, but to to begin: if you look over on the left, at the very top, it says: Getting Help-Contacting a Cold Case Squad. Click on “Before You Contact a Cold Case Squad READ THIS” and read through those instructions. At the end there will be a link to phone numbers to call. You’ll need to organize your facts. I don’t mean this unkindly, I’m just trying to help you get help, and I really can’t tell what you’re trying to say in some of your sentences. Are you saying her death is related to your being shot in 1957? (And I’m sorry about that, that’s horrible too!) And the detective told you (or someone else) that he though her case was connected to four others?

    I’m going to send this via email too, in case you don’t come back here to read this.

  • 3 Spenone // Apr 26, 2012 at 8:20 am

    I am a stupid 41 year old man that wanted to have a baby. When I finally found a woman who was willing to give me a child I was excited to say the least. I immediately moved in the young lady The young lady stay with me for a period of five months. During that time many strange things started happening that I just pushed aside because the awesome title of Father was approaching. For example the young lady would demand that I obtain life insurance. Numerous personal documents were stolen or copied (social security card, birth certificate, appointment letters, 2008 federal Income tax return, apartment lease , W2s, etc…). Two months after my daughter was born the young lady came to me demanding money. My thought processes was if you play you pay and because I was willing to be a father I was more than happy to support my child. The problem was that the young lady wanted more much more. When I refused she told me to talk to her x-boyfriend Emo. The young lady was trying to use Emo to mussel me for more money. Their plan did not work. The young lady immediately filed for child support and refused to allow me access to our daughter. I called ACS because I wanted to make sure my daughter was ok. Little did I know that the young lady and her family had child molestation issues that date back years ago. The call to ACS prompted the young lady and Emo to call the police and charge me with domestic violence. My six figure income was now on the line which means the big expected child support award was now in limbo. The young lady and Emo cooked up a scheme to rob a jewelry store in order to get relief from the financial burden of raising a child. On January 27th 2010 at approximately 12:20PM a well dressed masked gunman enters a Madison Avenue Jewelry and robs over 4 million dollars in Jewelry. During the robbery a 71 year old employee is killed. Two weeks later Emo is caught with the majority of the jewelry. He is charged and convicted of criminal possession of stolen property but is never hit with the murder charge. The young lady refuses to talk to detectives and is posing an alibi for Emo. Detectives eventually came to my home and told me that the young lady was an accomplice to the crime. Since I was preparing for my criminal case I was able to obtain numerous document (cell log, interviews from a private investigator etc..) that clearly indicate that the young lady was involved in this crime. Unfortunately the family courts are so biased that I have yet to say my story. For over two years I wanted my voice to be heard. Till this day I am in court while paying a child support that has left me bankrupt. The young lady is living in Emo’s house waiting for his release while I wonder what my daughter’s future holds.

  • 4 Stacy Horn // Apr 26, 2012 at 12:21 pm

    I’m sorry, but this is a little confusing to me. I don’t know what your criminal case is, for instance. But it sounds like the detectives did not have the evidence to charge him with homicide, or her as an accomplice. If you have questions, or suggestions, or information, you should go back to the detectives that met with you. I hope you have a lawyer advising you about your daughter and the case you are referring to. It sounds like a very unfortunate situation.

  • 5 Nyree Cooper // May 1, 2012 at 12:34 pm

    My Mother was murdered in “The Bronx. NY” on September 2nd, 1986 at her residence which was: 405 E. 182nd Street and Webster Ave, apt. 1D. I am very positive that I have the key to her murder which means that I can help solve the case because I know who the murderer is!! Can you please contact me about this matter? It would be greatly appreciated!!

  • 6 Stacy Horn // May 2, 2012 at 4:08 pm

    I will email you.

  • 7 Janet // Mar 30, 2014 at 7:26 pm

    In reference to the above comment from France torres she does not know anything! I am paula’s daughter and would like to actually talk to you.

  • 8 Stacy Horn // Mar 31, 2014 at 3:49 pm

    Yes, that post was largely incoherent, alas. I didn’t know what to make of it. But did you have a question? I will email you.

  • 9 Yolanda // Aug 5, 2015 at 11:37 am

    Paula was my sister ,may she rest in peace. But i cant believe what i just read,im in shock. No my nieces and nephews had nothing to do with her murder.

  • 10 Stacy Horn // Aug 5, 2015 at 11:45 am

    I’m sorry about your sister. I don’t think that post says that they had anything to do with her death. That whole post is incoherent really, and doesn’t read as credible to me. I’m sorry it upset you.

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